
Buy or Sell Commodities
At Ridley, we can offer access to sourcing advantages that come with leveraging our geographic diversity. Our commodities expertise goes beyond mere buying and selling. We excel in risk management, ensuring stable supply, and competitive pricing. Whether we are purchasing raw ingredients for our own use, purchasing on behalf of our clients, or providing selected commodities direct to market, our market presence grants us advantages. Our team offers quality feed ingredients, provides cost-effective alternative options, and manages supply requirements. Â
Why Choose Us
We are Australia’s largest animal feed manufacturer, with deep expertise in commodity procurement and sale. When sourcing or selling commodities, we provide more than just scale. Ridley is proud to employ Australia’s largest team of specialised feed merchants. Our experts are in-market daily, sourcing quality ingredients and bringing a range of benefits; Â
- diverse set of delivery pointsÂ
- ability to execute on farmÂ
- daily market accessÂ
- broad range of commoditiesÂ
- competitive pricing; and
- security of paymentÂ