An all-natural ingredient for shrimp that produces proven results.

Unique Ingredients, Unique Results
NovaqPro® is a super ingredient. A meta-analysis presented at the World Aquaculture Society Conference, Darwin Australia, 2023 showed that NovaqPro can improve growth by 39.3% in monodon and 51.6% in P. vannamei under controlled conditions.
Discovered by the CSIRO, and perfected and commercialised by Ridley, NovaqPro® is the patent-protected game-changer that can make a real difference for shrimp producers around the world.
A Healthier Bottom Line
- More than 100 tank and commercial trials over the last 10 years support the capacity of Propel™ with NovaqPro® to deliver improved growth and FCR in prawns when fed as instructed.
- NovaqPro’s strong performance benefits and unique bioactive nature have shown it can enhance resistance to viral and bacterial pathogens, and potentially increase survival rates.
- All these effects lead to healthier shrimp, and can assist with a healthier bottom line too.
- *Our research partners include CSIRO, Andaman Aquatic Research Centre (AARC), the Fish Vet Group, the University of Queensland, and Auburn University USA

The Future of Aquaculture
- NovaqPro® can be part of a solution for marine ecosystems that are under increasing pressure and is a highly stable, land-based, marine microbial biomass made from agricultural byproducts. Being fish-free, it not only helps replace fishery resources, but it also sits outside the fluctuations and volatilities of the market for marine proteins.
NovaqPro is protected by patents in Australia and other countries and a provisional patent has been filed in Australia in respect of technology relating to use of NovaqPro as supplements. These patents are owned by CSIRO and have been licensed to Ridley Agriproducts Pty Ltd.